Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Istanbul... Ah, Istanbul

The vıew from the rooftop of our digs in Istanbul. I shall be forever grateful to our host, the editor of the great Istanbul Eats blog (and now book, advertised on every wall in the Beyoglu area) and a great place to unwind at the end of a day of kebab hunting and bazaar shopping (or non-shopping as the case may be.)
I had been hoping to post daily about our travels here in Istanbul, but alas, that was not to be. A few days ago thieves broke into our flat at dawn and within 30 seconds ran off with everything they could grab off the kitchen table: laptop, digital cameras, cell phone. We are OK - passports safe, cash accounted for... but millions of pixels of photos and videos of local music, gone, lost, yok, yok, yok... So descriptıon and comparison of the inner world of kebabland will be delayed until İ get back to Budapest this weekend. Luckily Fumie's photos are safe... and so we will have to wait a bit for some of the food porn and kilim pictures. At least by then I won't have to struggle with these devilish turkish computer keyboards.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear that you've been victims of such crime! From your recent posts Istanbul sounds like a really cool place and it is such a disappointment that you're having to go through this.
