Friday, May 15, 2009

Going to Sarajevo

I'm headed off to Bosnia tomorrow. It's been over a decade since the war, but it still is not safe to go trout fishing in most places. My buddy Claude, who knows about trout in Bosnia, tells me to wait 150 years before I go wading in the mined rivers. Damn! However, a few days of the world's best cevapcici (see above) should cover the pain of not being able to catch trout in a place where every stream has oodles of feisty wild trout, specifically because those streams were mined and unsafe for fishing. Damn! Be back in the middle of next week...


  1. They mined the trout streams? Lordy, what misery we humans bring upon ourselves. Have fun though.

  2. Cevapcici look a lot tastier than the rooster's manhood!

    I was thinking of travelling by train from Budapest to Sarajevo and back this summer. If that is your mode of transport I would be interested to hear how easy/difficult it is.
