Wednesday, April 22, 2009

America's Religious Right Speaks Out

A lot has been written about the role of the Christian Fundamentalism in American politics, which formed the "base" of support that former President G.W. Bush often referred to in his spectacular losing race to the Democrats last fall. Isn't it about time we let the eloquent voice of American Christian conservatism speak for itself? This speech sums up most of the important points in the American Religious right's debate about the role of the Church in modern life. You may disagree with what the speaker says, but you have to admit that his points represent what a lot of Americans are thinking right now. And when is this kid going to get his own show on FOX News?


  1. I foresee this one going to the dark side - as a prophet of death metal

  2. The audience seem to be agreeing with him !

  3. George W. Bush's "my base" comment was uttered during the Al Smith Dinner in New York in reference to the audience there.

    The Al Smith Dinner is certainly not hosted by "fundamentalists." Neither are the parties of the Georgetown Cocktail Circuit. Rick
    Warren and other statist mega-evangelicals are not "fundamentalists" either, although they are the loudest voices of pro-life, family values, etc. on the right. To the left, South American Liberation Theology proponent Father Pfleger is not a "fundamentalist" either.

    However, there were indeed many Christian fundamentalists among the clumps of dissidents who came to North America in response to persecution by the religion-state systems of Rome and England.

    Today's inheritors of the American Great Awakenings are essentially separatists and are extremely distrustful of things like faith-based initiatives, ecumenical calls for unity, and other pressures to assimilate into any World Order.
