Saturday, April 28, 2007

I'm in the Ukraine. The Frigging Ukraine. .

Blog posting will be very light in the next two weeks, since I will be in the Ukraine and not often near any internet access. I got called on short notice to participate in Josh Dolgin's (AKA DJ Socalled) Ukrainian Klezmer Music Heritage tour, a journey aboard a luxury liner on the Dneiper River from Kive to Odessa via the Crimea, with concerts and cultural events along the way. Two weeks of deep Ukrainian and Jewish culture. With Fumie along to make sure I behave. On a luxury river liner! Jeeebeezus! I've never been on a cruise before. I've never been to the former Soviet union before. Nor have I ever been to the Ukraine, but I guess if you have to travel through the eastern Ukraine during a political crisis, a luxury liner is the way to do it. Some of my best buddies are on board - Michael Alpert, Josh Dolgin, Eric Stein, David Krakauer... I expect to start laughing on April 29th, and end sometme around May 12. I'll tell you all about it later... it's been almost 90 years since anybody with my DNA has been back to the Ukraine...


  1. oh please please, take copious notes and blog generously when you get back!!!! i CAN'T wait to hear about it all!

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